Transnational Giving Europe

Transnational Giving Europe

Donations from abroad

Transnational Giving Europe
Donations from abroad

Transnational Giving Europe

The Transnational Giving Europe network (TGE) was created to facilitate donations between different European countries, allowing donors to support foreign organizations while benefiting from tax breaks in their country of residence.

Fondo Filantropico Italiano is the sole partner for Italy and supports Italian nonprofit organizations that are accredited to the network. It is also a point of reference for Italian donors wishing to support projects abroad.

Milano per la Scala is accredited for the following countries: France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

All those donors interested in the tax benefit (both individuals and companies) are eligible for TGE.


The foreign donor who wants to contribute a donation should contact Milano per la Scala, which will support them in contacting the partner in their country to agree with them on how to donate (each partner has its own internal procedures). 

All operational directions for proceeding with the online donation (broken down by country of origin) can be found at this link 

Example: English donor who wants to support an Italian organization.

  • The donor makes the donation to the English partner foundation.
  • The latter issues a tax receipt valid for English regulations: the donor can thus take his donation as a deduction/deduction
  • The English partner transfers the donation to the Italian beneficiary organization

An amount is deducted from the donation to cover expenses on individual donations. The fee is not received by the beneficiary institution, to ensure the total amount of the donation can be added to the donation.

  • 5% on individual donations up to 100,000 euros
  • 3% on excess amounts between 100,000 and 250,000
  • 2% for excess amounts between 250,000 and 500,000
  • 1% for excess amounts between 500,000 and 2,000,000
  • 0.5% for donations over 2,000,000

The Partners in the countries for which Milano per la Scala is accredited are as follows. You can view all TGE Partners at this link


Fondation de France
40 Avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris, France
Tel. : +33-1-44 21 87 60

How to make a donation:


Maecenata Stiftung
Rungestraße 17, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Tel. : +49 30 2838 7909

How to make a donation:


CAF – Charities Aid Foundation
Kings Hill, West Malling Kent ME19 4TA, United Kingdom

How to make a donation:


Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
Place de Cornavin 2, P.O. box 2097, Genève 1201, Switzerland
Tel. : +41-22-732 55 54

How to make a donation:

To make a donation contact Milano per la Scala, we will support you in the donation process through the TGE partner in your country.

More information

If you would like to make a donation while maintaining the tax benefit from one of the TGE member countries for which Milano per la Scala is not accredited you can contact us. We will complete the accreditation process as quickly as possible to enable you to make a donation while maintaining the tax benefit of your country.

TGE network member countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

When making a donation through bank transfer, the following reason should be stated: "TGE - Milano per la Scala - Italy."

Some exceptions:

  • LUXEMBOURG: is the only country that truly recognizes foreign donations, without foreign nonprofits having to register with their systems. However, the entity must fill out a special declaration for the donor, which will be used to secure the tax benefit. One can still use TGE for added security.
  • NETHERLANDS: Recognizes foreign donations even without TGE, but the recipient entity must register with the Dutch authorities under ANBI status. The Dutch partner is therefore not active in transferring funds from donors in this country to foreign nonprofits.
  • IRELAND: this country also recognizes international donations, but it is necessary for the recipient entity to register with special English registry, and will be able to collect by giving the tax benefit after two years
  • SWITZERLAND: the beneficiary entity is not approved in advance, but only when there is a donor ready to make the disbursement; minimum donation: 500 CHF.
  • UNITED KINGDOM: minimum donation: 250 pounds.
  • PORTUGAL: not currently active in transferring donations from Portuguese donors.
  • SPAIN: requires minimum donations of 50 euros to have a tax receipt.