Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Milano per la Scala

A - General Information

B - Membership, donation and reservation 

C - Membership in Milano per la Scala

D - Booking and buying tickets for performances at La Scala

E - Booking stage and orchestra rehearsal

F - Booking General Rehearsals

G - Booking in-depth meetings

H - Booking Visits and Exhibitions

I - Booking Trips and Travels

L - Payment Methods

M - Prices

N - Non-payment

O - Cancellation of Membership and Reservations

P - Donation receipts

Q - Reclaims

R - Data Treatment

A - General Information

We invite you to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions of Membership, Booking, and Donation before proceeding with any purchase, booking, or donation, as they may be amended or updated at any time. By completing any purchase, booking, or donation, you accept these General Terms and Conditions in full.

The following Terms and Conditions of Membership, Booking, and Donation apply to all agreements between Milano per la Scala, a foundation established and governed by Italian law with headquarters in Milan, Via Clerici 5 (Metropolitan City of Milan Decree, File no. 8.5/2023/1114 - Philanthropic Organization of the Third Sector, register no. 110316 - VAT: 97104560152), which manages this website, and the Registered Supporter, Donor, or participant in the activities of the Foundation.

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B - Membership, donation and reservation

Membership, donation and reservation requests for the Milano per la Scala activity can be made through the following channels:

  • website
  • e-mail
  • phone
  • WhatsApp

Requests will be acknowledged during Milano per la Scala's business hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  

Any communications received outside of these hours will be acknowledged during business hours.

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C - Membership in Milano per la Scala

Individuals can join Milano per la Scala in the following categories based on age: 

  • Youth under 30 and youth aged 31 to 35
  • Master – aged 36 to 45
  • Senior - from 46 years

Membership in the Albo d'Oro category has no age limits. 

Corporate entities, associations, and foundations can join Milano per la Scala in the following categories:

  • Companies
  • Albo d’Oro Companies

The membership fee varies depending on the type of support:

  • Opera and concerts
  • Ballet
  • Opera, concerts, and ballet

Choosing the type of support entitles members to specific benefits.

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D - Booking and buying tickets for performances at La Scala

Milano per la Scala offers its Registered Supporters the opportunity to purchase tickets for performances at Teatro alla Scala in advance and with a 10% discount. The performances available include Operas, Ballets, Symphony Season Concerts, Special Concerts, Children's Shows, some concerts from the Recital of Singing and Grand Pianists at La Scala series. The Foundation offers the purchase of certain types of seats according to the allocation provided by the Theater. The ticket allocation from Milano per la Scala includes seats in the stalls and in some sections of the gallery. 

Tickets can be requested by Registered Supporters who are up to date with their annual membership payment, which is valid for the current calendar year. Supporters can request 1 or 2 tickets depending on their category: 1 ticket for Supporters under 30, 2 tickets for Supporters aged 31 to 35, as well as for Master and Senior categories. Companies can request up to 4 tickets. Albo d’Oro Supporters may request a larger quantity of tickets, subject to availability, and have priority over all allocations.

Requests for ticket reservations must be submitted by the deadline indicated on the ticket section page for each performance on Milano per la Scala's website.

After making a reservation indicating the type of seat chosen, the Supporter will receive confirmation of the request via email to the address provided during their registration on Milano per la Scala's website. The Foundation's staff will verify the availability of tickets and, if possible, confirm them via the website or contact the Supporter via email / phone / WhatsApp for further clarification.

If the ticket is confirmed, the Supporter can proceed with payment via bank transfer, indicating their name (if different from the account holder), the title, and date of the chosen performance in the payment reference. Tickets will be purchased at Teatro alla Scala's box office only once the payment is credited to Milano per la Scala's bank account. Reservations for unpaid tickets within 10 days of the performance date will be canceled.

Tickets will be uploaded to the reserved area according to the most convenient timing for the Foundation's activities, and in any case, before the performance date. The Supporter will be notified via email to the address provided during their registration on the website when the ticket is available and ready for download. 

If the requested ticket type and date are not available, the Supporter will be contacted by the Foundation's staff to discuss alternatives. In case of complete unavailability, an automatic email notification will be sent.

Ticket allocation and confirmation times may vary according to the performance and the Foundation's priorities. Milano per la Scala will allocate seats in the following order of priority: Albo d’Oro, Companies, Senior Supporters, Master Supporters, Youth Supporters.

*Registered Supporters are considered all those who have regularly paid their annual membership fee according to their membership category. The fee is valid for the current calendar year.

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E - Booking stage and orchestra rehearsal

Stage and orchestra rehearsal are working sessions that may not be complete, in costume, or uninterrupted, during which directors, conductors, or choreographers provide instructions to the cast and musicians to enhance the performance.

Milano per la Scala offers its Supporters the opportunity to attend Stage and orchestra rehearsal for operas and ballets of the Season. The dates of these rehearsals are communicated during the renewal campaign and confirmed by Teatro alla Scala shortly before the event. However, the Theater may occasionally decide to close some rehearsals to the public. Milano per la Scala is not involved in these decisions and is not responsible for them.

Tickets for rehearsals can be requested by Registered Supporters who are up to date with their annual membership payment, which is valid for the current calendar year. Supporters can request 1 or 2 tickets depending on their category: 1 ticket for Supporters under 30, 2 tickets for Supporters aged 31 to 35, as well as for Master and Senior categories. Companies can request up to 4 tickets. Albo d’Oro Supporters may request a larger quantity of tickets, which will be allocated based on availability, and they have priority over all allocations.

The availability of tickets must be confirmed by Milano per la Scala, and the opening of the rehearsal is reconfirmed by the Theater, which may occasionally decide to close it to the public depending on its needs. Ticket availability is limited, and requests received close to the rehearsal date may not be fulfilled. Supporters will find the tickets in electronic format uploaded to their reserved area and will receive an email confirming the upload in the days preceding the rehearsal date. To access the Theater, it is necessary to present the digital ticket directly from their electronic device to the ushers.

For cancellation of the booking, please refer to section O.

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F - Booking General Rehearsals

General rehearsals are complete, uninterrupted performances of the entire show, conducted by artists in costume, makeup, and wigs. These rehearsals are intended for Theater employees, and Milano per la Scala exceptionally offers a few seats.

General rehearsals are a benefit reserved for the Albo d’Oro category. When members of this category do not utilize this benefit, the available seats are offered to Senior and Master Supporters, who are asked to make a donation in support of Milano per la Scala's fundraising efforts. Requests can be made through traditional channels (phone, email, WhatsApp). Tickets to access the Theater are sent in electronic format via email or WhatsApp.

For cancellation of the booking, please refer to section O.

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G - Booking in-depth meetings

In-depth meetings with Professor Sartorelli and choreographer Marco Pelle are open to all Supporters, without differentiation based on membership (Supporters of ballet can also attend meetings on operas and vice versa). Priority in seat assignment is given to Registered Supporters*. It is possible to request access for a guest upon a donation of 10 Euros for the Youth and Master categories, and 25 Euros for the Senior category. Reservations are noted in the order they are received; Milano per la Scala does not guarantee seat availability for those who request close to the meeting date. Booked Supporters who cannot attend due to hindrances are kindly requested to inform Milano per la Scala staff so as not to deny others the opportunity to participate. Those who fail to notify their absence for more than two meetings will lose priority in seat assignment for subsequent meetings.

For cancellation of the booking, please refer to section O.

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H - Booking Visits and Exhibitions

Guided tours to locations and exhibitions are open to all Registered Supporters* and seats are assigned in the order requests are received, which must be submitted by the deadline indicated on the initiative's page. To participate, a contribution is required that includes any entrance fees, the cost of the guide, and a small donation to Milano per la Scala. Seats are limited, and confirmation of reaching the minimum number of participants is required before proceeding with the payment of the required contribution.

For cancellation of the booking, please refer to section O.

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I - Booking Trips and Travels

Through the Milano per la Scala website, it is possible to request information regarding Day Trips and Multi-Day Travel. The person making the request will be contacted by the travel coordinator who will provide all the requested information and note the supporter's interest. If and when the minimum number is reached to carry out the day trip or multi-day travel, the supporter will be contacted again for payment request for day trips, or a deposit for multi-day trips. At the time of booking, any specific requests, including dietary requirements, must be communicated, which will be considered in the meal planning that includes a fixed menu. Milano per la Scala does not guarantee to meet specific requests made during the day trip or travel.

For cancellation of the booking, please refer to section O.

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L - Payment Methods

Payment for activities can be completed via bank transfer in advance using the following details:

Payments should be made to Milano per la Scala
IBAN: IT 08 K 05387 01665 00000 3564917

Bank transfer details are included in the confirmation email. The transfer description must include the name (if different from the account holder) and the booked activity.
Memberships and donations can also be made via PayPal / Credit Card.

When purchasing via PayPal, upon order completion, supporters are redirected to the PayPal login page. The amount is debited from the PayPal account at the time of order acquisition.

At no point during the purchase process does Milano per la Scala have access to the supporter's financial information. Since no data transmission occurs, there is no possibility of interception. Milano per la Scala's computer systems do not store or retain such data. For every transaction executed using the PayPal account, the client will receive a confirmation email from PayPal.

Credit card payments can only be made through the PayPal payment gateway.

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M - Prices

Prices for activities are stated in Euros regardless of the country from which the order is placed. Milano per la Scala will do its best to ensure that the prices listed on the website www.milanoperlascala.it are correct and up-to-date.

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N - Non-payment

Milano per la Scala reserves the right to cancel the reservation if the supporter* has not paid the full amount within the specified terms.

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O - Cancellation of Membership and Reservations

It is not possible to cancel the membership and obtain a refund of the annual membership fee under any circumstances. The annual contribution represents one's support for Teatro alla Scala, and the activities offered are a way to thank registered donors. In case the offerings should cease or decrease due to the inactivity of Teatro alla Scala, no refund of the membership fee is provided. 

Tickets for performances at Teatro alla Scala that have been reserved, paid for, and purchased cannot be refunded in any way.

Supporters* are kindly requested to promptly notify Milano per la Scala of the cancellation of their reservation for rehearsals and in-depth meetings, so as not to prevent others from participating.

Reservations for guided tours to locations or exhibitions can be canceled until the payment request. If payment is not arranged within the specified timeframe, the reservation will be canceled. There will be no refund for cancellations beyond this period.

For Day Trips and Travel, a cancellation policy is communicated by the organizing coordinator upon payment request. Milano per la Scala is willing to assist supporters who cancel by seeking a replacement, but cannot commit to refunding already paid participation fees.

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P - Donation receipts

To request a receipt for your donation and be included in the electronic submission to the Revenue Agency, it is necessary to communicate your tax code by no later than December 31st of the year in which the donation was made. 

At the end of the calendar year, you can request receipts for donations made. Please note that the request may take up to 15 days to process.

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Q - Reclaims

Any communication regarding complaints can be sent to the email address fondazione@milanoperlascala.it.

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R - Data Treatment

The processing of data concerning Supporters*, Donors, and Newsletter Subscribers is carried out within the Milano per la Scala database and in compliance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on personal data. The processing of data, which we guarantee maximum confidentiality, is carried out solely for the purpose of updating Supporters*, Donors, and Newsletter Subscribers on initiatives and offers from Milano per la Scala. Personal data will be processed as extensively indicated on our website; you can request at any time the modification and/or deletion by writing to the address: fondazione@milanoperlascala.it.

*Supporters Iscritti are considered all those who have regularly paid their annual membership fee according to their category of membership. The fee is valid for the current calendar year.

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