ADI Design Museum Compasso d'Oro

ADI Design Museum Compasso d'Oro
Piazza Compasso d’Oro 1, Milano (Ingresso da via Ceresio 7 – Via Bramante 42 – Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale)

ADI Design Museum is one of Europe's largest museums dedicated to design: 5,000 square meters of exhibition space housing all the Compasso d'Oro Award-winning pieces. We will be accompanied by Chiara Alessi an expert on material culture and design, on which she writes, lectures and curates exhibitions.

Chiara Alessi (1981) is an expert on material culture and design, on which she writes, lectures and, when possible, curates exhibitions. She has published the essays After the Zero Years. Il nuovo design italiano (Laterza, 2014), Design senza designer (Laterza, 2016), Le caffettiere dei miei bisnonni (Utet, 2018) and Prince. The Body of the Son with Marius Ani Oulakolé (People, 2020). His column launched on Twitter in 2020 at the height of the lockdown, #designinpyjamas, has totaled about ninety installments with millions of views, but more importantly, it has been an opportunity for a community growing by the day to interact, adding historical details or personal anecdotes to the collective story. In 2021, his latest book, So Many Dear Things. The objects that changed our lives (Longanesi).

Photo by Daniele Fontana