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Access to the financial statements certified by PWC S.P.A.


Since 1991, thanks to the support of private individuals and companies, Milano per la Scala has provided the Teatro alla Scala with 23 million euros, including:

  • 13 million in support of Scala's productions
  • 7 million to support training
  • 3 million for other initiatives and special projects

Balance sheets

The auditing firm PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS S.P.A. annually certifies the financial statements of the Milano per la Scala foundation.

Dear Friends, as you certainly know, in 2023 the Milan Foundation for La Scala amended its Articles of Association and, as of June 13, 2023, is registered with RUNTS and is now a Third Sector Philanthropic Entity. The statutory purpose has remained unchanged and is to promote and foster initiatives aimed, directly or indirectly, at procuring economic or image benefits for La Scala Theater.

This transformation allows our Patrons and Supporters to obtain important tax benefits on the donations and gifts given to Milan for La Scala; however, I would like to stress that membership fees are not deductible.

The year 2023 has been an extremely positive one that has seen us disburse to the Theater, thanks mainly to generous donations from our Board Member and Patron Aline Foriel-Destezet, whom I again thank here with all my affection and gratitude, a contribution approaching 4 million euros...

Dear Friends, 2022 was a very good year that saw us disburse to the Theater, a contribution of over 2.3 million Euros. Below are the main items in the budget: - Revenues of € 2,712,267 - Operating expenses of € 320,442 - Contribution to Teatro alla Scala of € 2,334,445, including € 1,320,000 in support of the stagings of the operas I Capuleti e i Montecchi, La dama di picche, Thais, La Gioconda and Fedora, € 330,000 in support of the ballets Jewels, Afterite-Lore and Onegin, € 406. 445 in support of the Festival of Orchestras and the Concert for Peace, €218,000 to the Accademia Teatro alla Scala, €35,000 to the DAM Project, €15,000 for handouts for the Theater's Cultural Promotion Service, and €10,000 for a scholarship for baritone Pierpaolo Martella in memory of Luciano and Giancarla Berti. As shown in the attached Financial Statements, certified by PricewaterhouseCoopers Spa, FY 2022 closed with a positive balance of €57,380, which the Board decided to allocate to increase the equity reserve....

Dear Friends, 2021 was not a generous year in terms of income having offered all Supporters the opportunity to extend their membership free of charge throughout 2021 or to simply make a contribution for the purpose of offsetting the cessation of activities for much of 2020 due to the pandemic; we were also unable to organize any trips and few events were offered. In-person activities have only restarted since September. That being said, income amounted to €1,594 thousand of which a significant amount came from our Councilor and Patron Aline Foriel-Destezet, whom I would like to thank warmly here once again for her extraordinary generosity...

Dear Friends, 2020 was a very difficult year that found us totally unprepared to deal with an unprecedented health crisis; for most of the year all activities in the presence of our Foundation were suspended resulting in a significant reduction in income from events and travel. Overall, however, income remained fairly in line with that of 2019 since by the end of February, the date when all activities were suspended and the theater closed, the majority of our Supporters had already renewed their membership and our Board Member and Patron Aline Foriel-Destezet, whom I would like to thank warmly here once again for her extraordinary generosity, kept her contribution virtually unchanged by diverting funds intended for shows cancelled due to the pandemic to other productions staged since September. ..