Our history

Our history

Birth of the "Fondazione per il Teatro alla Scala"

Birth of the "Fondazione per il Teatro alla Scala"

At the beginning of the 1990s, the Teatro alla Scala was an autonomous body under public law, supported mainly by state contributions. In those years, however, the government began to make the first cuts to the FUS (Fondo Unico per lo Spettacolo), the main source of public funding for the performing arts in Italy. The Superintendent, Carlo Fontana, turned to private citizens in entrepreneurial Milan, urging them to form a group of private individuals who could financially support the Teatro alla Scala. After several meetings in Milanese circles, a promotional committee began to prepare the ground for an action to support La Scala. The aim was to involve private Milanese citizens in supporting a service available to the community to promote social and civil growth in society. On 18 October 1991, 124 founders from the world of Milanese culture and industry established the "Fondazione per il Teatro alla Scala" with the aim of promoting, supporting and enhancing the Teatro alla Scala through cultural activities and fundraising.

Categories: Albo d’Oro and Youth

Categories: Albo d’Oro and Youth

The recently established Fondazione per il Teatro alla Scala has over 400 members and, thanks to private donations, supports new productions of operas and concerts, and promotes cooperation with companies that directly support La Scala. The Albo d'Oro category was created to further encourage economic support for the theatre. At the same time, efforts have been made to develop the Youth category, with the aim of involving young people in the activities of La Scala.

“Milano per la Scala”

“Milano per la Scala”

In 1997 La Scala became a Lyric-Symphonic Foundation: the Theatre invited the Foundation to support and actively collaborate in facilitating the legal change, providing coordination and resources to acquire the necessary knowledge to operate in its new private role. The Teatro alla Scala became the "Fondazione Teatro alla Scala" and the name "Milano per la Scala" was chosen instead of "Fondazione per il Teatro alla Scala". Milano per la Scala", after having supported the transformation of the Teatro alla Scala into a private body, was invited to participate permanently in the meetings of the Teatro alla Scala.

Founding Member of the Theatre

Founding Member of the Theatre

On 9 December 1999, thanks to an extraordinary and surprising fundraising campaign, Milano per la Scala became a founding member of the Theatre, raising one billion lire and intensifying its commitment and involvement in the life of La Scala and, for the first time, connecting the voice of the public with major financial supporters.

By the end of the 1990s, the Foundation had more than 800 supporters, half of whom were Youth members, the largest in Europe. Thanks to the contributions of the Albo d'Oro, all the scholarships for ballet dancers at the Academia were financed and a specialisation course for opera singers was set up.


The Arcimboldi location and new activities for supporters

In 2001, the Scala underwent a significant renovation and the activities were moved to the Arcimboldi Theatre. The Foundation recorded its first decline in membership, due to the relocation of the theatre. In order to reverse the decline in subscriptions, Milano per la Scala increased the number of services offered to its supporters: privileges such as priority booking of tickets, inclusion of names in the programme, guided tours of the theatre and the organisation of the first cultural and musical tours were introduced. The first trips were proposed in Italy and then extended to Europe and abroad. In 2003, the Milano per la Scala Supporters' Choir was founded, with intensive rehearsal and concert activities in Milan and the surrounding area.

Support for the Academy

Milano per la Scala took part in the study and contributed to the creation of the Accademia Arts and Professions Foundation, set up by the Theatre in December 2001 and active since 2002, which brings together the various entities involved in the Theatre's educational activities. In the years that followed, Milano per la Scala, in collaboration with the Theatre, devoted a significant part of its economic support to the Academia, financing educational activities and numerous scholarships for singers, orchestra and dancers, becoming the leading private sponsor of this important institution.


In 2005, after more than a year's absence, the Teatro alla Scala returned to its historic home and, under the new presidency of Giuseppe Faina, the Foundation continued to follow three main lines of action: improving and expanding the initiatives for supporters, supporting the Academia and increasing the overall contribution to the theatre. During these years, the initiatives for supporters were considerably enriched with proposals such as gala evenings, series of lecture discussions on La Scala's performances; the offer of trips and excursions included numerous destinations in exclusive itineraries built around one or more internationally renowned musical events. The total contribution increased thanks to the intense activity and participation of the supporters, but above all thanks to the generous support of a precious patroness, Mrs Hélène de Prittwitz Zaleski, who held the position of President of the Albo d'Oro in 2005.

The economic crisis

The economic crisis

In 2009, the first effects of the economic crisis were evident and their negative impact was to be continued over the next five years (2009-2014). The Foundation faced this period of economic difficulty thanks to the financial stability consolidated in previous years of growth; the Albo d'Oro Supporters category and Honorary President Hélène de Prittwitz Zaleski were fundamental in this respect. Their support, combined with prudent and effective management, has allowed Milano per la Scala to continue its mission, dedicating a significant part of the funds raised to the formation of young talents in support  the artistic heritage to future generations.

2011: The 20th Anniversary of Milano per la Scala

After 20 years of activity, with 9 million euros raised to support theatrical productions, artistic initiatives, training courses, publications, scholarships, IT and technological projects, research, interventions in theatrical spaces, events and exhibitions, Milan's commitment to La Scala is 360 degrees to its beloved theatre

The return of support for La Scala productions

The return of support for La Scala productions

With the transition from Stéphane Lissner to Alexander Pereira as director of the theatre, the request for a contribution to Milano per la Scala also returned to supporting the Scala's productions. Thanks to the gradual recovery of the world economy and the arrival of a new and important patron, Aline Foriel-Destezet, Milano per la Scala resumed its sponsorship of the Scala's productions in 2015 and progressively in the following years.

The growing requests for support from the Scala management led to the creation of a ballet committee at the end of 2016, presided over by Councillor Margot de Mazzeri, which since 2017 has constituted a dedicated section to promote fundraising in support of the Teatro alla Scala's ballet. In the same year, the ballet section supported the world premiere of a new Scala production by Mauro Bigonzetti, "Handel Project", starring Svetlana Zakharova and Roberto Bolle. In the years that followed, the Ballet Section continued to support numerous new productions at the Theatre and the Academy.

At the beginning of 2018, Milano per la Scala will become a founding member of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala, consolidating its long-standing relationship with the Academy.

New Horizons for the Foundation

New Horizons for the Foundation

In the midst of the global pandemic, on 18 October 2021, Milano per la Scala celebrates its thirtieth anniversary: like all enduring journeys, there have been several tragic historical moments linked to global crises (economic, political, social, health) that have made the Foundation's statutory purpose particularly difficult to pursue.

The history of Milano per la Scala shows us that the thousands of people who, in various capacities, have contributed to the growth and continuity of this institution, have been united by a common passion: the love for La Scala and the culture it represents, which is itself part of our social identity.

From 13 June 2023, with its registration in the National Register of Third Sector Entities (RUNTS), Milano per la Scala will acquire the new legal status of a Third Sector Philanthropic Organization, offering its supporters the possibility of greater tax deductibility for donations. The change to a philanthropic organisation will also allow Milano per la Scala to carry out commercial activities, opening up new prospects for diversifying the fundraising activities in support of La Scala.