Don Carlo Weekend Preview 2023

Youth Events

2, 3, 4 december 2023

We share the exciting evening of Sunday, December 3, 2023: our Youth Group boys together with the boys from Juvenilia - the European Network of Young Opera Friends, enthusiastically attended the Preview of the opera Don Carlo. During the intermissions the youngsters were able to give their impressions in front of the cameras of RaiNews24. At the end of the performance, 90 under-30 guests attended the Gala Dinner set up and served by Caffè Scala at the Ridotto delle Gallerie.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Teatro alla Scala for their availability, to Esselunga for the panettone from the Elisenda line given as a gift to the guests, and finally to everyone who attended the evening.

Photos by Munari Gianluca

Video of Munari Gianluca